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2025 JEMS CO-ED Softball Tournament

​The JEMS Softball tournament is back! We will start this year off with 8 teams so reserve your spot now by emailing This is a co-ed division so make sure you have at least 4 women on your team. There is no maximum number of players so invite as many friends as you’d like! Only $50 per player includes 3 games, Hawaiian lunch and a tournament t-shirt!

August 23, 2025   |  Wilson Park,  Torrance CA

$50 per player

​- 8 Team Tournament  (First 8 teams will reserve spots.)

- Minimum of 12 Players (at least 4 female). No maximum number of players

- Price includes at least two games, tournament shirt and lunch from The Loft (Beef Teriyaki and Mochiko Chicken, Chicken teriyaki and Mochiko Chicken combo or Vegetarian)



Players: A team has 10 players, with at least 6 men and 4 women. 

Batting order: The batting order alternates between men and women for the first ten batters. After the first ten, batters will not have to alternate by gender.

Courtesy runners: One courtesy runner can be used for any player already on base One per each inning.

Helmets: Helmets are optional but must have a non-glare surface. 

Shoes: Metal or polyurethane spikes are not allowed. 

Uniforms: Players should wear similar colors but not required. 

Pitching: The pitcher delivers the ball underhand with an arch, at least 6 ft but no more than 12 ft from the ground. 

Bats: Any bat with a new USSSA thumbprint or ASA stamp is legal. 

Commit line: Once a runner passes the commit line between third base and home, he/she may not go back to third base. Runner does NOT need to be tagged if defender has the ball and is on home plate.

Sliding: Be careful!

- Umpires are volunteers. Please be kind. If you disagree with a call, make your case and then move on.

- Games are seven full innings or an hour and 10 minutes. Once time runs out, the current inning becomes the final inning. In case of a tie, extra innings will be permitted.

Follow us on Instagram @JEMS_Sports_Outreach

JEMS. J-E-M-S it stands for Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society


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P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086

(213) 613-0022

948 E 2nd Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

©2024 Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society

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