Paul and Rie Mizuki
Kansai, Japan
(2019 - present)

God's Mission in God's Time
We are so thankful that God opened the door for us to come to Japan as full-time missionaries, after many years of waiting. As some of you may recall, Paul had the desire to share the gospel with Japanese people since his first trip to Japan in 1975. Rie was born in Tokyo and moved to the U.S. with her family when she was five years old. Because of this move, her whole family was introduced to Jesus, and her brother even became a pastor! Now she wants to give the estimated 95% of Japanese who have never heard about Jesus the opportunity to meet Him and learn about His love and plan for their lives.
We arrived in Kansai (Western Japan, including Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, and Nara) on March 24, 2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. In some ways, this made ministry difficult, as we were required to quarantine and avoid meeting with people as much as possible. But in other ways, we saw the Lord working in ways that would not have been possible without these circumstances. We were able to build closer relationships with our neighbors because everyone, us included, were at home much more. At the same time, we were able to communicate with people farther away due to the increased use of online platforms such as Zoom. And the uncertainty and isolation created by the pandemic has resulted in a greater felt need for the good news of an all-powerful, loving God, who is inviting all to become His children through His resurrected Son, Jesus. Indeed, God works ALL things together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.
The Lord has showered us with His favor, allowing us to live in an amazing location close to both nature and the big city. We have easy access to the Shinkansen (bullet train) station, the Itami and Kansai International airports and train lines that can quickly take us to Kobe, Kyoto and Nara. Living in such a strategic location has allowed us to help with church ministry in northern Osaka, English conversation classes in central Osaka, and other ministries in more distant parts of Japan.
We now serve at The Gospel Center (GC), a church in Suita City in Osaka Prefecture, which started on November 11, 2018. ( We love being a part of this bilingual church, which has a heart for making disciples and planting more churches. As the most senior members of the church, we get to love and nurture the younger members as surrogate parents and grandparents. We host the young-ish adult community group, a Bible study and fellowship group for singles and other church members without children, and help with translation and other aspects of the worship service. Paul also serves on the core team, which seeks God for direction for GC's future.
Every Tuesday, you can find us in the basement cafeteria of the building where Paul worked part-time for the first three years we were in Osaka. Whereas Paul was having an English conversation lunch once a week with two co-workers there when he was working, after retirement in March 2023, both of us are continuing this time of building relationships in the same place, same time, but with up to six of Paul's former co-workers and new employees as well. Some have little interest in English, but just want to spend time with us. These relationships have led to several of these friends coming to visit our church and attending an evangelistic “Gospel and Illusion” event. Recently, we have also been given the opportunity to teach English conversation to a group of seniors as a result of Paul attending a Japanese class. God never ceases to amaze us with the ministry opportunities He brings our way!
Beginning in 2023, the Lord opened the door for us to minister at the Asian Rural Institute in Tochigi two times a year, for a couple of weeks at a time ( Rie counsels the participants, staff, and volunteers, while Paul works alongside of them doing farm work and other projects. It is a wonderful opportunity to sow into the lives of people from Japan, developing countries (in Southeast Asia and Africa, etc.), and "developed countries (U.S., Germany, etc.)" Many are Christians, but some meet Jesus while they are there.
As members of the JEMS Member Care committee, we also hope to become more active in helping to care for the emotional and spiritual needs of the JEMS Japan missionary community. As part of caring for our missionaries, Paul has been tasked with establishing a JEMS office here in Japan so that we can better meet the needs of our missionaries. Rie regularly provides online counseling to those ministering in Japan outside of JEMS, but recently, we have been able to minister together to a brother in ministry in another part of Japan. We hope that God will continue to open doors for us to come alongside others who need encouragement as they live and minister in Japan.
As missionaries, we see ourselves as God's ambassadors to Japan. We want to represent Jesus in every aspect of our lives. As such, we believe in missional living. Our missions work is not just when we are teaching Kids Church or leading a Bible Study or prayer meeting. It is in our interaction with our neighbors, in sharing the love of Christ through kindness and hospitality. It is in showing appreciation to servers and workers in restaurants and stores. And it is in daily allowing the light of Jesus to shine through us into the darkness of Japan.
Partner with Us in Sharing God's Love in Japan
As you can see, the ministry opportunities are endless. "Then he [Jesus] said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" (Matthew 9:37-38 NIV). The Lord is answering this prayer by sending us out, but we also need your support. Please consider supporting us in these ways:
Prayer - Japan is a spiritual battlefield, and although we know that Christ has already won the victory, the casualties are many. Prayer is vital in giving us strength to fight the good fight and win the daily battles. Please pray for us that we can keep our eyes focused on Jesus and stay connected with Him, so that our actions and words would give testimony to the love and power of God in our lives. Please email us if you are interested in receiving our prayer letters and ministry updates (
Financial - Living and ministering in Japan costs more than in most un-reached countries. Through the generous support of our ministry partners and drawing from our retirement funds, we are currently able to live comfortably and fund all of our ministry work. The strong dollar has been a blessing, but the economy can change at any time. We'd love to set up an appointment online to share with you more about our ministry and our needs.
Encouragement - An email, a card, a phone call, a Zoom/LINE/Google Meet session, a package, and especially a visit will make a big difference in lifting our spirits and giving us encouragement to continue God's work in Japan. Please be praying about how you can provide such soul care for us, and also please do the same for other Christian workers you know, including your pastor!
Come Join Us - The Harvest is plentiful. The workers are few. Short-term or as a vocation, Japan needs you!
Below is our contact information:
Paul & Rie Mizuki –
Mailing Address:
5-6-2 Nakano-cho, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka 534-0027
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047.
If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Paul and Rie.