Mitsuyoshi and Kristin Nakamura
Aomori, Japan
(2016 - present)

Nakamura Family Ministry to Unreached Rural Japan
Join forces with us to bring the Light of Jesus to Aomori!
Our Story
Mitsuyoshi and Kristin met through the local Japanese Church in Lexington, Kentucky and were married in 2009. Through a series of events and confirmations, the Lord clarified the call to full-time missions in Japan.
In 2017, they arrived in Nagoya as JEMS missionaries to serve at an international church, All Nations Fellowship. Kristin served in the children's ministry and Mitsuyoshi served as an intern. During their time in Nagoya, Mitsuyoshi also completed his Masters of Divinity at Christ Bible Seminary. They enjoyed city life and learning about Christian ministry in Japan. In their second year there, Mitsu heard of a lone missionary in an unreached town in rural northern Honshu. Mitsu’s heart was overwhelmed with compassion and he began to weep for this town of 30,000 souls with no church. He heard the Lord calling him to join this missionary in ministry. After a whirlwind vision trip, the Nakamuras were convinced that the Lord was indeed calling them to a new home in the northern countryside- apple country, Aomori.
As an encouragement, the Lord led Kristin to explore the history of the region. Turns out that apple farming was introduced by an American missionary almost 150 years ago! The seeds planted then were still bearing fruit!
In 2021, they joined Penny (lead missionary from Australia) and began to serve through preaching, teaching English, children's ministry, leading Bible studies, leading worship, cooking, coordinating outreaches and discipleship, etc.
In 2022, the Lord miraculously provided the first permanent church building in Hirakawa! He used the generosity of donors from all over the world to fund the purchase of an old furniture store, nine times the size of the one bedroom house formerly used for services and classes!
The Call
Although we have seen miraculous things, there is still much work to do. We are a small church and much outside support is needed for sustenance, encouragement and growth. Although many of you are far away, there are many ways you can be part of what God is doing through our ministry in Hirakawa!
PRAY: We face many unseen barriers in rural ministry. The Word teaches us that the battle we fight isn’t physical but rather spiritual. We need spiritual covering through your prayers for our ministry, our family and our children. Would you be willing to stand with us in prayer? If so, please email us at to be added to our insiders prayer list.
GIVE: Our salary and ministry expenses are funded by the generosity of the Body of Christ. We are currently looking for financial supporters who will invest in our ministry through regular monthly donations. Would you be willing to consider a monthly donation to help support our ministry?
GO: Japan is currently undergoing a shift in demographics as the country has opened up to more immigrants after COVID and there is a huge shortfall in the working population due to decreased birth rates. Japan has the second most homogenous population in the world, 95% of residents are ethnically Japanese. There will be a huge influx of immigrants in the next ten years and beyond. This provides an excellent opportunity for Christians to fill in the gaps and usher in a new wave of Christianity. Would you prayerfully consider coming to Japan to visit or for a short-term mission trip?
We look forward to partnering with you as we see the Kingdom of God advance in the Land of the Rising "Son!" All Glory to God!
-Mitsu and Kristin
If you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Mitsu and Kristin.