Jon and Maki Robison
Kanto, Japan
(2012 - present)

Jon and Maki both grew up as pastors’ kids, one in Southern California, the other in Tokyo. We have been serving as missionaries in Japan since 2008. Over the years we have assisted Japanese pastors at churches and helped complete a church plant project in northern Japan and we are currently serving at a local church plant in West Tokyo. We also work on creative outreach solutions unique to the Japanese church, as detailed below.
Church Planting and local outreach
As we seek to bring God’s light to the community, we are working with a team of missionaries on a church plant in the next town over from ours. This church plant is staffed by missionaries, but within the Japanese Keisen Christ Church network, great partners for church multiplication! Jon is on the pastoral team and preaches monthly, and Maki helps coordinating special events and enjoys meaningful conversations with ladies and children.
Most of our local friends are non-Christians. Our house is a place for children and mothers to come and hang out. We also host Bible Studies for local friends in our home regularly.
JEMA (Japanese Evangelical Missionary Association) is a networking and equipping group with around 1000 members (most of the evangelical missionaries in Japan are JEMA members). Jon is a Leadership Team member of JEMA (since 2024) and serves on the Missional Thinking ministry team, which runs networking and thinktanking events for missionaries. Jon also served as JEMA liaison to the JEA disaster relief comittee, and is a board member with Crash Japan (disaster relief ministry).
JCATS – Japanese Contextual and Theological Studies was launched in 2022. It is a media
ministry that introduces Japanese expressions of the gospel and Christianity to those wanting to reach Japanese people. Through podcasts and seminars we hope to equip missionaries to share the gospel in a more natural way for Japanese hearts and minds.
Camp ministry is a great outreach in Japan as many Japanese have been saved at camp, where people feel free from the pressures of society. We’re involved in Joy Bible Camp at Okutama Bible Chalet where Elementary and Middle School students play, eat, sing and listen to the gospel for 2 weeks in the Summer.
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