Ethan and Michele Fisher
Gifu, Japan
(2016 - present)

About Us
Ethan and Michele have been serving in Gifu (a city in central Japan with a population of over 400,000) since 2014. They desire for whole families to come to Christ. To this end, they have worked to become part of their local community and are continuing to build long-lasting, authentic relationships in order to share the gospel with their Japanese friends and neighbors.
After serving alongside and learning from a Japanese pastor for nine years, God has led the Fishers to plant a church in their neighborhood. They aim to love, teach, train, and strengthen the small population of Japanese Christians.
Ethan and Michele have three sons. Their oldest, Benjamin, began home schooling for junior high, after attending Japanese public elementary school. Nathan and Aiden are currently attending their local Japanese elementary school.
Missions & Japan
The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group in the world. Unreached means that there is not an indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize the people group without outside assistance.
Less than 1% of Christian giving goes towards missions work in these unreached areas of the world. And, less than 1% of all missionaries go to the least-reached. When Ethan and Michele share the gospel in Japan, it is common for it to be the first time people have heard this great news. Thank you for coming alongside the Fishers and enabling them to share of God's grace and salvation to the Japanese.
Partner With Us
While the Fishers trust the Lord to supply all of their ministry needs, they understand that the Lord uses the generosity of churches and individuals like you to enable them to serve, while also allowing you to be a part of God’s work in Japan. To this end, we ask that you consider partnering with the Fishers through the giving of your financial gift to the ministry of JEMS. Doing so will allow them to continue to share the gospel of Jesus and build the Kingdom of God in Gifu.
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047.
Prayer is also vital to the Fisher’s ministry. There is definitely a spiritual battle raging for the hearts of the Japanese. If you are not already receiving the Fisher’s electronic newsletter, please send them an email and request to be added to their list. You will receive up-to-date information about what God is doing and how to pray.
If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email.