Cody and Leah Meuer
Gifu, Japan

Missions has always been a big part of our lives. We both began taking short-term trips nationally and internationally when we were teenagers.
We met after Leah returned from a two year mission term in Russia; both of us had a desire to live overseas, spreading the gospel and discipling others. Even when we were dating, Leah’s number one marriage “requirement” was that I wanted to do long-term missions too.
After getting married, we started a family while I finished my college degree. We kept wondering when and where the Lord would send us, so we started to pray about a specific location. Japan was immediately placed before us, and we have been working to go ever since.
In early 2023, we were pushed to go sooner than later. We took a trip to Japan in April 2024 and found that the Lord is leading us to start our ministry in Gifu City, Japan.
Before Leah and I got married, we both worked with unreached people groups (less than 2% Christians). We feel strongly about serving where there is the greatest need. Japan is the second largest unreached people group in the world with only 0.5% evangelical Christians.
Within Japan, Gifu Prefecture is one of the most unreached. Gifu City is the capital of the prefecture and has a population of around 400,000. During our trip in April 2024, we visited Gifu and the Fisher family. We have been talking with the Fishers since late 2023 and immediately felt that Gifu is where we are meant to be.
Our goal is to plant a church in the Nagara neighborhood with the Fisher family. But, when we get to Japan, our first step will be to learn Japanese. It will take two to three years before we are proficient enough to be heavily involved in ministry.
As we learn the language, we will slowly do more community outreach through school activities and outreach events. We will also begin discipling new believers so that they can begin sharing and discipling too.
We are currently in the process of building teams and connections. Below is a list of our current needs.
Funding for our monthly expenses and moving costs. We are building a team of people who provide monthly financial support.
Gathering people to pray for our ministry. This group receives our newsletter, weekly prayer letter, and participates in prayer meetings.
Building connections with people who are interested in our ministry. We are happy to speak at your church or event.
Help us out:
Join our support team (click “Support this Ministry” below)
Pray for us and Japan (sign up here:
Connect us with others (email
Our supporters are a crucial part of our ministry. We are looking for long term partners to give monthly and to donate towards our moving costs. Prayerfully consider how much you would like to give. Below are some suggested levels.
1 person at $1,000
3 people at $750
6 people at $500
8 people at $250
10 people at $100
14 people at $50
1 person at $10,000
3 people at $5,000
6 people at $2,500
10 people at $1,000
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Cody and Leah.