Charles and Yumiko Chen
Chiba, Japan
(2017 - present)

Where we are serving - Our background
Charlie and Yumiko Chen have been serving with Oyumino Christ Church in Chiba, Japan since April 2017. Oyumino started as a single church plant by six missionaries in 1992. God has multiplied it to 3 locations, 6 Sunday services and 270 regular worshipers.
Charlie grew up in Pasadena, Calif. and learned to speak Japanese when he lived in Tokyo for 7 years in his twenties. Yumiko is native Japanese from Fukushima. The two met and wed in Tokyo but moved to Southern California to raise two children. "Our children are now grown and the Lord has called us back to Japan to spread the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel."
Our Ministry - Your Partnership
Charlie is on staff at Open House English School, which was started by Oyumino missionaries to teach English, spread the Gospel and help the finances of Oyumino Christ Church. Each 60-minute lesson of English conversation is followed by 30 minutes of Bible study. 9 out of 10 students hear the Gospel for the first time. Charlie also leads an English Bible study for Japanese students. He wants to build on the relationships that have been established with students. Further plans for his ministry include leading a men's discipleship class and helping to plant Oyumino's 4th chapel.
Yumiko leads a Mom and Kids Club for young mothers and children under 5. She also teaches a parenting class based on Biblical principles. The mothers hear about parenting from a Biblical perspective. Yumiko tells how her Christian faith changed her and changed the way she viewed herself and her children from a Japanese to a Biblical perspective. Yumiko wants to continue building on these relationships. Future plans for her ministry includes helping at-risk teenage girls who live in government orphanages until they are forced out at age 18. Most if not all are unprepared for life outside the orphanage walls.
Your partnership with our ministry is welcomed and important. We are strengthened by your prayers for us and our ministry. We are lifted up every time we receive an email or letter of encouragement in a land of "hard soil". The Great Commission is fulfilled by the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of both Goers and Senders. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us through prayer and financial support?
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;" Matt 9:37.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt 6:21.
Thank you and God bless you. Charlie and Yumiko Chen
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write our name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047.
If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Charles and Yumiko.