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Mount Hermon Youth Camps

Mount Hermon Youth Camps

For 75 years, the JEMS Mount Hermon Summer Conference has touched the lives of thousands of individuals. One major part of this ministry is our youth camps. These camps are comprised of Junior Highers (6th-7th graders), Inter-Highers (8th-9th graders), Senior Highers (10th-12th graders) and Collegians. Your donation helps offset the costs for the camp speakers, each camp's core leadership teams and the many dedicated and caring cabin leaders who work directly with the youth the entire week! Thank you for partnering with us!

Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write "Mt Hermon Youth Camps" on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047.

If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email

JEMS. J-E-M-S it stands for Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society


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Send mail & checks to:

P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086

(213) 613-0022

948 E 2nd Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

©2024 Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society

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