Thien Doan
Director of Leadership Development and Equipping

My name is Thien Doan, and I am honored to serve as the new Director of Leadership Development and Equipping at JEMS.
I was born in Saigon, South Vietnam, to a half-Buddhist, half-Catholic family during the Vietnam War. After the war, my family came to America as refugees when I was a baby. Our transition to America was challenging. My family faced many difficulties, and my parents separated when I was young. My four older brothers got involved with gangs, drugs, and crime, leading to them being in and out of jail throughout my childhood.
As a teenager, I felt lost and confused. I experienced loneliness and depression. It was during this time that I was invited to join the youth group at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. I was warmly welcomed and had a great time. Although I started attending church as a non-believer and spiritual seeker, I continued to go regularly. Two years later, in August 1988, I responded to the Gospel message at Youth Summer Camp and was led to the Lord by my cabin leader.
God used the ministry of JEMS to significantly shape my life. I attended JEMS Mt. Hermon Camps throughout my teenage and college years. During college, I was privileged to serve as a Camp Counselor at JEMS Mt. Hermon High School Camp, where Kenny Wada was the worship leader. Leading a cabin at JEMS Mt. Hermon was my first experience in ministry, and it was through that experience that God called me into full-time vocational ministry.
Since then, I have dedicated my life to serving God and His Church. I have served in full-time ministry for over 25 years, including 18 years as the Lead Pastor of Citylights Church. Along the way, I had the opportunity to help plant 16 new churches.
I have also worked as a consultant, catalyst, and trainer for various organizations, including the Send Network, Gospel Ventures, Acts 29 Network, Multiply Network, Reformed Church of America, and American Baptist Churches.
At JEMS, my hope is to help raise up a new generation of Disciple Makers and Missionaries from our local churches. My dream is to help catalyze a movement where…
- Every disciple is a DISCIPLE MAKER
- Every member is a MISSIONARY
- Every church is a SENDING CHURCH
My role at JEMS requires me to raise funds for my salary and ministry expenses. If you have an interest in this ministry, I’d love to talk to you about becoming one of our ministry partners.
If you have any questions, email me at
Support Trellis Ministry
Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “JEMS” and write my name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047. If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email Thien.